I look after the art collections of Nando’s, and our other shared value partners, by buying new work into the collections and maintaining their quality and diversity. My team and I also look for opportunities to exhibit selected portions of these collections.
The job also entails conceiving and administering artist career development programmes supported by shared value partners, like Nando’s.
I review the applications for participation in these programmes and engage directly with artists about their current practice, providing feedback and constructive criticism, and looking for opportunities that we might be able to offer them at their current level of experience. For example, this might be the opportunity to put together an exhibition at a local gallery through the Nando’s Creative Exchange. Or it could involve collaborations with the Spier Arts Academy, where the artists have an opportunity to work in large-scale mosaic.
I am also responsible for signing-off on artwork production quality at Spier Artisan Studios.
Working with such a diverse group of artists and seeing their work develop and change with time is very interesting and exciting. It is a privilege to be invited into the often private studio spaces where creativity is at its most raw and engaging.
There are hundreds of artists in South Africa and the most difficult decisions revolve around who to engage with and in what capacity.
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